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I am Josuè Blasco. I was born in Barcelona 19 years ago. I was lucky I was born in a Christian home. Until last year, I lived with my parents at Palau-solità i Plegamans.

Since I was a child, I had contact with church, and that drove me to a summercamp, when I was 7, where I enjoyed a lot. Going out from church, which was really a routine place, was something really positive for me.

The year after that, at the same summercamp, when I was 8, I accepted Jesus as my only Saviour.

Who am I? - My origins

Growing as a Christian

From my conversion, I started growing as a christian, first as a child, and then as a teenager. During all my childhood and adolescence, I got the habit of studying the Bible by myself, and my classmates were continously going against it, and I felt the duty of deffeating it.

When I was 15 I started going with the evangelistic ministry Saetas (Arrows) and I learned some strategies for sharing the gospel. The same year, I decided it was the moment of taking the baptism. I considered myself mature and consistent with the Bible, so I had to obey the commitment that Jesus gave to the believer.

Later that year, the school year started, and as I could not have a discipleship before my baptism, I started a 3-year theology course once a week. I finished this at the same time I finished my Bachillerato studies (pre-university at Spain).

During my late adolescence, from 15 to 17, I served in many different ministries such as summercamps, NGOs in which I tried to discover my gift and see where I could be useful.

My call

I started my scientific bachillerato thinking about studying Maths & Physics, just Maths, or Computer Engineering & Maths at University when I would finish it. However, when the second course started, I began to feel something that was pushing me to pay attention, not in what I had already though for my future, but somewhere else. And I started to pray.

During all the course I was waitingto see what God wanted for me after finishing my 3-year seminar and bachillerato. And I found Sefovan. Sefovan meant nothing else for me than Ibste in Barcelona, so it was only one more option between lots of them.

Months were running fast. I started considering every option more deeply. I investigated every one of them, and I noticed that Sefovan was orientated to evangelism at the same time hat it was to theological education and formation. But I had no resources. I felt God calling me to do it, so I challenged God to obtain the resourses even though I was already in a compromise with some ministries during summer so I could not work.

God made it just few weeks before the beginning of the course. I arrived to Madrid, and I discovered that this is my place and that God wants to use me. I have a special charge on my heart for the young people, and also the shortage of unity inside the churches in Madrid, that is where I want to work. You can see all my project at Ministry Contract section.

And now, what?

This is the way I started Sefovan two years ago. Why do I write all of this, I create a webpage and all this stuff? Because I want you to help me. First in prayer: I need you to pray for me and all the topics I will be writing in the prayer letters. And, secondly, if God puts it in your heat (do not feel forced to do it), economically.

Thanks to Him, He has been providing amazingly these two years, and this course is also totally covered. And I know that this will be always the way God helps, but He also provides through people, and you may be one of them.

How Can I Help?  If you feel about helping me, you can do it at the Support me tab, or pressing the button down this text. Thank you in advance.

At Sefovan, as a part of our study plan and job, we do a anual contract about our ministry idea during the school year about our ministry and/or serving at church, and our long-term big idea. I made my the first one last year, and the second one at the beginning of this course, at the work "work day".

You are able to read them below:

Ministry Contract

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