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Ministry Contract 2016

Past two years

I started here with an idea that disappeared because I could not do it in short term due to the nowadays situation. Nevertheless, I started working at Aluche Evangelical Church (ICEA) with its project: develop its evangelism ministry to re-plant the church and plant new churches in Madrid and near.


During these two years at ICEA, I have been able to be part of different ministries to serve the church, but I also became part of the plant team (most of it during the second course) as, after praying for it, I saw that this was what God had for me inside the church. With the project going on, we could stablish contact with other ministries, and get other resources so we could develop the vision for the church for replanting, waking up and grow.


However, I could not develop mi objective during none of this two first years: a paraeclesial ministry that lets people get in contact with the church (universal) out of the local church through personal invitation and friendships.

With ICEA’s Project we have been able to reach lot of our objectives during the short time it has been working and that let us continue with it:


  1. Establish a committed team as project “directors”.

  2. Communicate and make the vision be part of the church.

    1. Communicate it.​

    2. Make people participate in it.

  3. We have discovered who wants and who does not want to participate in the project.​

  4. We have got contact with other ministries that are helping us. Concretely, with “M4 Spain” project, where we are participating by receiving formation and tools to accomplish the vision through the experience and application of biblical truths about the nowadays European society.

  5. Stablish reachable objectives for the next phases and project them to and for the church.

  6. Plan and do evangelistic and social activities with Aluche neighbourhood.


Reached objectives

There are different projects working in ICEA all for impacting the neighbourhood with the gospel, and make the church grow with it both in number and in member’s sanctity and spirituality.


This course

A summary

I CEA's projects

Next steps

Next steps will be important, as we are taking back the importance of the church sharing the gospel, and the importance of taking care of those who come for first or second time. These are the first steps to accomplish, and we are also developing the way to get a complete plan for spiritual developing for the individual from the very first moment they come into the church, until they die, passing through all their spiritual life.


Also, it is very necessary to stimulate communion and communication between church members, as we normally see each other only on Sunday and only for the service. When this works, it will naturally work that they may be part of serving in other church ministries.


Para todo ello hemos establecido los siguientes objetivos concretos y asequibles a un período corto de tiempo y que irán cambiando después de los 6 próximos meses.


Concrete objectives

For all of it, we have stablished the next concrete and attainable objectives for a short period and that will change after the 6 next months:


  1. Prepare group activities of leisure with the people that is part of the church with the objective of developing their relationships

    1. Madrid tourism activities.​

    2. Specific group trips: marriages, women, families, …

    3. Concrete activities for specific groups: marriages, kids, teenagers.

  2. Develop and improve church activities for every group:​

    1. ​Marriages and women.

    2. Sunday school and teenagers.

    3. Annual church’s weekend.​​

    4. Communion lunches.

  3. Develop activities for the social impact and collaboration:​

    1. Operation Christmas Child.​

    2. Familiar cinema sessions.

    3. Social work (which has been already working for long).

  4. Evangelism:​

    1. Common challenge for the next 6 months: 50 people of our personal environment have to be evangelised.​

    2. Embrace and include people that come to the church (specially first days) through a free cafeteria every Sunday.

    3. Street gospel-sharing.


Paraeclesial project

My charge for youth, in general, and, specifically, the idea of an out-of-the-church ministry where believers may invite their mates and friends avoiding the first rejection of going to a “church”, for attracting people and make them now Christ, and then make them grow in their relationship with God to shortly be included and be part of a local church, is what God put un my heart for Madrid when I arrived here.


The most curious part of this charge, is that it is not only mine, but without talking with anyone, God has put it into the heart of three other people. So, the four of us want to begin with a project that includes children, teenagers and youth evangelism through different ways, as sport; evangelism to alienate groups, and worship and spiritual growth meetings. We do not know how this is going to be yet nor the concrete way we are going to develop it; but the very first objective is to stablish these initial things and then add specific information to this contract in short.


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